Now Selling! A. Commerce City, Colorado - Zip Code 80022
Reach 5,000 Hispanic Households With YOUR Business Message! $450.00
The Commerce City Demographic averages 3.27 persons per address
which means YOUR Banner Ad has the potential of reaching 16,350 New Customers!
That's only .027 cents per address
Now Selling! B. Denver, Colorado - Zip Code 80221
Reach 5,000 Hispanic Households With YOUR Business Message! $450.00
The Denver CO Demographic averages 2.86 persons per address which means YOUR Banner Ad has the potential of reaching 14,300 New Customers!That's only .031 cents per address!
Here's what YOU get:
1.6 inch x 6 inch Banner Ad Catalog Space, Full Color Printing,
100# Gloss Book Paper Stock (with Aqueous Coating), Set Up,
Ink Jet Addressing, Indicia, Postage (Bulk Rate), Tabbing,
Mailed to 5,000 Targeted Hispanic Households
Order Deadline is Friday, November 29, 2024 Targeted Delivery Date is Tuesday, January 2, 2025 (December 2024 is for Order Processing, Pre-Press Assembly, Printing and Mailing,) Plan now, for this, the "Happy New Year 2025" Issue!
Why Market to Hispanics?
The Hispanic Market is Young...
...ensuring Repeat Customers for decades.
"Biden Was Right. The Hispanic Market Is Incredibly Diverse And Brands Need To Understand It Better."
"These consumers are in the early stages or on the cusp of adulthood – the median age of a Hispanic is 30 years old as compared with 44 for a white non-Hispanic. For brands and retailers that make a connection with these consumers early, they can bank on an extended stay."
Pamela N. DanzigerSenior Contributor
The Hispanic Market is a growing market...
...YOUR Business Can Grow with it.
from the article,
The U.S. Hispanic population reached 63.6 million in 2022, up from 50.5 million in 2010. The 26% increase in the Hispanic population was faster than the nation’s 8% growth rate but slower than the 34% increase in the Asian population. In 2022, Hispanics made up nearly one-in-five people in the U.S. (19%), up from 16% in 2010 and just 5% in 1970.
Hispanics have played a major role in U.S. population growth over the past decade. The U.S. population grew by 24.5 million from 2010 to 2022, and Hispanics accounted for 53% of this increase – a greater share than any other racial or ethnic group. The next closest group is non-Hispanic people who identify with two or more races. Their population grew by 8.4 million during this time, accounting for 34% of the overall increase.’m a paragraph.
The Hispanic Market is a Powerful Market..
...YOUR BUSINESS can capitalize on the Economic Power of the Hispanic Market!
• Hispanic Buying Power is expected to grow $2.8 trillion by 2026, representing 12.1% of total US buying power.
• Many U.S. Hispanics are immersed in both American and Latino culture. They’re largely Bilingual and Bicultural, with 75% speaking Spanish at home.
• As the largest minority market in the country, reaching the Hispanic market is key to unlocking business opportunities no matter which industry you’re in. From auto, real estate, beauty, legal services, and more, Hispanic consumers are a Powerful Force to be reckoned with.
From the article, "How to Reach the Hispanic Market in 2024" Rector • Jan 04, 2024
Hispanic Heritage Month
National Hispanic Heritage Month, which begins in the United States each year on Sept. 15, celebrates U.S. Latinos, their culture and their history. Started in 1968 by Congress as Hispanic Heritage Week, it was expanded to a month in 1988. The celebration begins in the middle of September to coincide with independence days in several Latin American countries: Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Costa Rica celebrate theirs on Sept. 15, followed by Mexico on Sept. 16, Chile on Sept. 18 and Belize on Sept. 21.
Splash Publications
7958 Durango Street
Denver, Colorado 80221
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